dinsdag 24 juni 2014

Something with burpees

On Saturday we celebrated the Swedish Midsommar Gille with some CrossFit Leuven friends. Although I didn't get home until 2 o'clock there was no reason not to workout the next morning. At the party it was really hard not to eat all the yummie Swedish food but I kept to my paleo diet and I didn't drink a drop of alcohol. I did splurge on sushi before the party though (whoops, not so paleo).

The WOD was:
AMRAP in 15 min of:
10 Burpees
10 Sumo deadlifts (225/155)
10 Russian KBS (70/53)

Burpees are my least favorite exercise! For some reason I just can't do them fast enough. 

The Sumo deadlifts (with 105 lbs) and the Russian KBS (with 45 lbs) were actually going very easy in comparison with the burpees. I managed to do 5 rounds and 7 burpees in 15 minutes.

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