donderdag 18 december 2014

DAY 6: McGhee

I'm officially halfway the challenge! We started the strength part with sumo deadlifts but since a week or two they have been hurting the inside of my hip joint and this happened again today, so I switched from sumo deadlifts to deadlifts. I managed to repeat my 1RM from September (215 lbs) and that is really awesome after six days of daily training.

McGhee went great, I really love long workouts. Instead of jumping on a wooden box, I jumped on a softer box and this was the first time after my box jump injury that I did box jumps in a workout.

I finished with 15 rounds and 3 push-ups! 

dinsdag 16 december 2014

DAY 5: filthy fifty

I slept only 6 hours last night and I could definitely feel it in my muscles. We did 4 x 20 front squats with 50% of our 1 RM and they were very difficult. My 1 RM is actually 135 and I could barely manage the front squats with 65.

Since it was a full house, I had to start the workout with the knees to elbows (knee raises) and it took me too long. My hands just couldn't hold on to the bar and I kept falling off. I took me over 7 minutes to complete the first fifty. Afterwards I tried to pick up the pace and that went well but I couldn't make up for lost time. I finished doing 43 jumping pull-ups and still had to do the kettle bell swings and the walking lunges. Maybe next time...

(I found this picture somewhere online but I forgot where..)

DAY 4: Isabel - 3 min rest - Grace

When I started to warm-up I felt immediately tired. Not as much my mind as my body. I could tell that I did Murph the day before but I gave my best effort nonetheless. 

We did 5x3 sets of power snatch (with 70 lbs) and 5x3 of clean&jerk (with 75 lbs) in the strength part of the workout. Afterwards we did Isabel and Grace with 3 minutes rest in between. I started the workout with 70 but lowered the weight to 65 after 15 clean&jerks because I couldn't hold my back muscles stable enough. I finished in 16:35. 

zondag 14 december 2014

DAY 3: Murph

Today was murph-time. I was still sore from fight gone bad and seven when I started with the murph. The running actually went quite well but then the problems started. If I have a muscle ache, normally, it goes away after a couple of movements in a WOD, but today it didn't... I really struggled with the ring rows and the push-ups. The squats went really good and the running afterwards went as good as it can be after 300 squats.

Nonetheless it took me one minute more than when I did Murph in June, from 58:28 to 59:38, but I finished underneath the hour mark so that is good.

zaterdag 13 december 2014

DAY 2: team SEVEN

Yesterday we did a team seven. First time I did this WOD and it was intense! My team mate and I finished in 48 min 31 seconds. I did almost all the thrusters and all the deadlifts and she did almost all the kettle bell swings and wall climbs. I can do wall climbs but they take so long....

Happy with the results and the upcoming muscle soreness. Luckily today is a rest day.

Murph tomorrow....

donderdag 11 december 2014

DAY 1: fight gone bad

Last time I did fight gone bad I did 224 reps. So today's goal was to do the same or better.

I ended with 221 reps, not bad for a fight gone bad :)

And afterwards I realized I took a heavier wall ball than prescribed, so I might could have done 224 time...

Last CrossFit challenge of the year: 12 days before Christmas

This is the first time that I'll do this kind of challenge: 14 days - 12 wods (2 rest days).

Let's see how my body will cope with daily workouts. I think it will be quiet interesting.
I'll combine this with enough sleep, healthy food and water..