maandag 20 oktober 2014

October 17, I like sore butts and I can not lie...

We did a lot of squatting, lunges and tilts today. I will be sore tomorrow, that's for sure!

I did the 10 x 2 with 85 lbs (my 1RM is 135 lbs) because my knee was still sore from wednesday. 

I did the rack lunges with 45 lbs and in the beginning I did the pelvic tilts with 35 lbs. Since they went really easy I went up a kettle bell size every new round.

This WOD after so many squats, lunges and tilts was pretty heavy.  I scaled the cleans/squats to 75 lbs and finished in 9:51.

zondag 19 oktober 2014

October 15, Hi Helen

Once a month it is test day: time to work on our skills levels. I finished the beginner's level a couple of months ago, so many of the exercises of the intermediate level are still far-fetched (muscle ups, ring dips, hand stand hold, 7 skin the cats...). However, some are within reach.

Today I added theses skills:

- 65 sit-ups in 2 minutes (Last month I did 63 in 2 minutes....)
- 40 knee push ups

I tried:

- 200 singles. I had to stop after 60 because my knee started to hurt.
- backward roll. Somehow I forgot how to do them.

Afterwards we did HELEN.

I scaled to ring rows

The running went really bad although I used my inhaler beforehand.
The second time round of running I even had to walk because my knee was so painful.

I finished the workout in 12:45.

woensdag 15 oktober 2014

October 13, Luckily it is not Friday and we aren't doing box jumps

It was 1RM time! We did a 1RM sumo deadlift today. The last time I did a 1RM sumo deadlift was on June, 22 and I lifted 155 lbs. Time to lift some more.

I easily lifted 155 - 175 and finally 185. I tried lifting 195 and I could actually lift it from the ground but I could feel that my technique was about to fail. Instead of risking back pain I stayed with 185. 
30 pounds more in 4 months isn't bad so I was really happy with my new PR :)

Yeah for progress!

After our 1RM we did 100 banded KBS: AUCH!

The WOD was:

AMRAP in 3 min of:

60 kbs (53/35)
max rep deadlift (255/185)

- 2 min rest -

AMRAP in 3 min of:

30 pull-ups
max rep sumo deadlift (255/185)

After the 100 banded KBS the 60 KBS were seriously heavy! I scaled the lifts to 130 lbs and did ring rows instead of pull-ups. The first round I didn't even do a deadlift the second round I could do 11. My final score was 101 (60 + 41).

zaterdag 11 oktober 2014

October 11, Diet and health, allergies, intolerances, sensitivities....

Two years ago, while traveling in July, I've had a terrible rash on my legs that lasted for two months and was treated with high doses of cortison. Since I also had several digestive issues I decided to get some medical exams done. In September of that year I underwent a series of exams to figure out what caused the rash. We never found out and I had two minor outbreaks since that big one in July.

We did found out that I was extremely allergic to dust mite, pollen (trees and grasses) and cats, I was moderately allergic to raw tomatoes and hazelnuts, I had an inconclusive reaction to gluten and no dairy allergy. They also found out that I was on my way to getting hypothyroidism anytime soon.

Although I didn't have outbreaks anymore I had a (severe) migraine almost every week and breathing issues for which I had two inhalers. I wasn't doing CrossFit at that time but my boyfriend was. So in January of the next year, he wanted to do the paleo challenge at our box and I joined the challenge as well.

It was hard: I was a daily cheese and bread eater. I felt really bad the first week but it went better the next three weeks. And surprise surprise... no more migraines.

We have been on a semi-paleo diet ever since. We eat no dairy, no gluten, no preservatives... but we do eat rice, oatmeal and sometimes potatoes and beans. I have had several cheat moments: crisps, pizza, ... and most of the times when I have a cheat meal I feel bloated, tired ... and often the day after I have a migraine that lasts for a couple of days.

Adjusting my diet in combination with CrossFit helped me cut down on my inhalers. I'm only using one at the moment and not on a daily basis.

I know I'm not intolerant for most foods but there must a correlation between my health issues and my diet...

dinsdag 7 oktober 2014

October 5, losing track of updates, clean slate

I've been losing track of all the updates that I still have planned in my head.  So I decided to start with a clean slate. No more posting postponed updates

For now just a couple of small updates:

- I finished Fight Gone Bad RX with 224 reps, reaching the 200 reps necessary for the intermediate level!

- We went to the Lowlands Throwdown in Apeldoorn last weekend and watched some great athletes compete. One of our CrossFit Leuven athletes, Marijke Gijsens, finished fourth in the master's category. Hurray!!!

- I'm looking for ways to avoid hyper flexing my joints, since I'm risking some serious injuries. Any advise always welcome!

- I can do 25 pull-ups with a green band and I can sometimes do a couple with the blue band. I'm working on my goals!

- Starting with yoga and the plank challenge are things I want to be doing in October!