dinsdag 12 augustus 2014

August 11, Fran, the sequel (new PR)

Today we did Fran again (last time was in the beginning of June, here).

The strength part of the class consisted out of figuring out our 1 RM jerk/split jerk. We have practiced the jerk movement before (with a pvc pipe or an empty bar) but never did we do a 1 RM.

My last successful attempt was 85 lbs, jeej! I tried 95 lbs once but the difference was too big and I failed. Next time, I guess! Compared to my 1 RM push press (75 lbs) and 1 RM shoulder press (70 lbs) that's a good result!

The WOD:


21-15-9 (for time)

I did the thrusters with 45 lbs and scaled the pull-ups to ring rows. I finished in 6:53 and although I thought it didn't go as well as it did in June I was actually half a minute faster!

So 45 lbs instead of 35 lbs thrusters and 6:53 (compared to 7:24) equals a new PR on Fran! Jihaa !!

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