maandag 21 april 2014

3 days, 4 WODs

I finished 4 WOD's in 3 days... and after the third day it felt great. Now three days of rest. I will need it!

Saturday @CrossFit Lummen

Team WOD: Murph, combined with an orientation WOD


1600 m run

(orientation WOD)

100 pull-ups (ring rows)
200 push-ups (knees)
300 squats
1600 m run

Orientation WOD

3 round for time:
200 m row
5 sit-ups
10 push-ups
5 burpees
10 wall ball shots

Time orientation WOD: 10:05
Time Murph: 47:55

Sunday @CrossFit Leuven

front squats (50)
pull-ups --> ring rows
box jumps --> step-ups (a bit of a box jump phobia after injury)


Monday @CrossFit Leuven

AMRAP 8 minutes
push press (55)

6 rounds, 2 push presses

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