dinsdag 7 april 2015

March 29: Ups and downs

I've been going through a couple of ups and downs lately, mostly downs. We moved in December and lost track of our healthy eating habits: more restaurant visits, eating when hungry, take-away... and unfortunately I also became ill on-and-off (probably related to some food issues and the unhealthy eating). I had an airway infection, the flu, airway infection 2 and airway infection 3.

All this led to gaining almost 7 kg (15 lbs) and no more working out.  This had to change so we decided to enroll ourselves in a supervised nutrition program: No nonsense nutrition program. We had to keep a log for 5 days (3 week, 2 weekend) and based on that log in combination with current weight, fat percentage and goals we received our individual program.

The program consists out of 12 weeks. The first four weeks you get a strict balanced program you have to follow and the following weeks you learn to take your own eating habits into control.

Let's hope that all these downs will turn into a lot of ups. :)